NWAI Code of Conducts

NWAI Board and Staff, Codes of Conduct

NWAI board and coaches are held to the highest level of conduct while operating under or in any NWAI Development programs. NWAI understands the importance of having great people who conduct themselves in a professional manner especially when providing a program to young anglers.

Failure to conduct oneself according to these codes of conduct will result in termination of any contract and dismissal from the club pending a review by NWAI Board members

  • I will commit to using NWAI company values to guide my decisions
  • I will operate under the highest ethical principles on and off the water while representing or working with the NWAI brand
  • I will operate in a manner that puts angler safety first
  • I will refrain from using profanity or vulgar language
  • I will refrain from using illegal drugs or alcohol
  • I will represent the NWAI brand with respect and dignity any time I am involved with an NWAI program or wearing NWAI gear
  • I will use my knowledge, talents, and best of my coaching ability to bring my anglers to new levels of ability
  • I will not be involved in any physical violence or any threat of physical violence to another person
  • I will not verbally abuse or use physical punishment to get the most from my anglers or anyone
  • I will follow all laws, regulations, tournament rules, and NWAI policies to my best ability
  • I will not guarantee scholarships, money, or winning of any kind to any angler in an NWAI program
  • I will work to ensure each angler has been given the tools necessary to become a better angler and put in a position to achieve success
  • I will work on and off the water to ensure I am the best coach/mentor I can be for my anglers
  • I will communicate effectively with NWAI leadership, anglers, and parents regarding all matters
  • I will remain positive and work to ensure my anglers have fun

Angler Codes of Conduct

 Any angler who fails to abide by these codes of conduct is subject to expulsion from the club pending an investigation by NWAI leadership.

If an angler is found in the wrong and dismissed from the club no refunds will be provided by NWAI and all club dues become due within ten(10) days of the dismissal.

Anglers within NWAI Development programs are expected and required to conduct themselves according to the following codes:

  • I will operate in the highest ethical manner on and off the water
    • “Would I want someone else to do this to me?”
  • I will work hard during and in between sessions to improve myself
  • I will be a team player and communicate with my teammate and coaches
  • I will respect NWAI property and equipment as if it were my own
  • I will respect NWAI coaches, my parents, other anglers, and opponents at all times
  • I will participate in any physical violence or threat of physical violence to another person
  • I will not participate in use of illegal drugs or alcohol
  • I will refrain from using profanity or vulgar speech during my time with the program
  • I will obey and follow all laws, regulations, tournament rule, and NWAI club policies to my best abilities
  • I understand the any results of the program pertaining to scholarships and achievements are not guaranteed and also heavily impacted by my willingness to commit and work inside and outside the program
  • I will have fun no matter the results!

Parent Codes of Conduct

NWAI wants to have the best fans and supporters of the anglers. When your angler is a part of NWAI, you are part of NWAI. Since that is the case, NWAI wants to make sure parents are representing the brand in a positive light that NWAI has worked hard to build.

Failure to conduct according to these codes could result in sanctions at the discretion of NWAI leadership.

Parents of New Wave Angler Initiative anglers are asked to follow these codes of conduct:

  • I will focus on praise and encouragement of my angler
  • I will contain only use constructive criticism that builds up an angler
  • I will remain respectful and kind to NWAI leadership and coaches and respect final decisions made by NWAI
  • I will not gossip about, or put any competing anglers or clubs in a negative light
  • I will treat coaches, fans, parents, and other anglers as I would want to be treated
  • I understand coaching is not an exact science and all decisions by NWAI will not be perfect but are in the best interest of the angler’s safety and skill advancement
  • I will respect and abide to NWAI’s policies and agree with final decisions within these policies
  • If I have complaints or worries, I will privately discuss them in an amicable way with NWAI leadership first
  • I will refrain from using profanity, alcohol, or illicit drugs at events related to NWAI programs